Monday 11 June 2012

PechaKucha at Pallant House

I am presenting at Pallant House at 6pm on Thursday 14th June. Please see poster below for more info 

Sunday 8 April 2012


One of my friends spotted this write up about me in the Portsmouth News. Unfortunately it said I was making 'prints'. They published my website details so it is all good publicity. A similar article might be in The Chichester Observer soon but hopefully it will say textiles next time. Talking of The Chichester Observer on the 16th of April a reporter and photographer are coming to Chi Uni to interview several students about the degree show which is fast approaching. 

I also have an article written about me on The University of Chichester's website. Please click on the link below to read this article:

University Of Chichester article

The Textile Society have a write up about my work as  I have won their Undergraduate Bursary. Please click on the link below to read this write up:

 The Textile Society's write up about me

All this publicity has helped with the number of hits I have had to my website.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Winner of The Textile Society Undergraduate Bursary

I have just returned from the Manchester Antique Textile Fair where I was a finalist of the Textile Society Undergraduate Award. I had a stand to display and exhibit my portfolio of work alongside two other finalists, who were both from Glasgow School of Art.

I spent the day talking to the society members and general public. The four judges arrived late morning and had difficulty speaking to me due to the number of visitors I had at my stall.

I was announced as the undergraduate bursary winner. The prize is £1000 which I plan to put towards my studies. The main benefit of this award is having the backing and profile which I will be given from the textile society. My degree show statement will include acknowledgement of our association.

The society has a magazine, called Text, where I am expected to write an article to go alongside images of my work. I also have the opportunity to give a presentation to the society.

Straight after the announcement I found myself on stage with last years undergraduates and post graduates winners. I had to give an impromptu resume of my work. In a years’ time I will be invited back to this session for a question and answer debate, talking about how I spent the award and my future aspirations.

 Past winners were asked how else the society could help promote them. From this conversation plans were put forward to host group exhibitions for the winners.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Finalist for the Textile Society Undergraduate Student Award

I have got some exciting news this week. The Textile Society have informed me that I am a finalist for the Undergraduate Student Award 2012. They have invited me to show my work in  Manchester on Sunday 4th March at the Antique Textile Fair. It is held at the Armitage Centre, (M14 6HE). The final awards will be judged in the morning and the winners announced at the Graduate Showcase in the afternoon.

I have to display my portfolio of work on my stand where members of the public, textile society members and the judges will visit me. Doors open to the public at 10am.

Preparations for my degree show have been put on hold for a few days so I can get organised. This is all good news for my degree as I am sure my lecturers will see this as a positive. I can log everything I learn from this experience in my studio practise journal.

Sunday 19 February 2012

In the Studio

This is my personal studio space at the University of Chichester. Here you can see my most recent work which I am making for my degree show. 

I have produced a personal map by changing the shape of the United Kingdom to resemble my take on the country - with personal messages.  I have a mixed British identity; born in England, with Scottish parents, I have lived in Scotland and England. I have a Scottish accent with two children who have English accents. I had taken the British Isles and radically personalised it, chopping it up and realigning the shape.

This week I have been writing a short statement which will be included in the show catalogue. My statement is:

My personal journey maps out my understanding and comprehension, developed through my struggle with dyslexia. I have developed a visual system of communication; investigating signs as a means to removing textual barriers. I empathise with inaccuracies in historical maps, and with a mixed Scottish / English identity I personalise maps of Great Britain to represent a culturally diverse society.

I have to write 500 word and 1000 word statements in the following months so will post them when they are done.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Private view of The Chichester Harbour Open

On Monday I went to the private view of the exhibition Earth, Air and Water at The Spring Arts and Heritage Centre. I was very pleased to see my work had been hung correctly and in a prominent position.

Monday 6 February 2012

The Chichester Harbour Open Exhibition

I entered The Chichester Harbour Open Exhibition titled Earth, Air and Water and have been exhibited. A third of the entries got into the exhibition. It runs from 1st Feb to 3rd March 2012 at; The Spring Arts and Heritage Centre, Havant, PO6 1BS. 

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Artwork 2011

Since September 2011 I have been in my 3rd and final year at the University of Chichester studying a BA (Hons) in Fine Art. The whole university year is set around students making a body of work to put on an exhibition in May (private view; 11th may, 6pm-9pm. Degree Show and shop open; 12th May- 20th May, 11am - 5pm  2012 at the university)

At the end of the first semester I had an interim critic. This gave me feedback and spurred me on for the final semester. I had, as always, a large body of work. The lecturers all particularly responded to the following four pieces of art work. I am now developing this work further.

GB Map, Pages 3 & 10

I use textiles as my material practice. The techniques I mainly apply are reverse appliqué, machine stitch and free machine embroidery.

GB Map, Pages 1 & 12

This work stemmed from a map we used in our 16 year old Landrover which got stolen last winter. However the GB road map escaped due to being in the house at the time. It had been used for many adventures and I decided to use it as a resources for my studio practise at uni. I took the staples out and used the double pages to start achieving some confusion of landmass.

Mixed Identity 1

Mixed Identity 2

These two maps were developed in the same way however on reflection they show my mixed British identity; born in England, with Scottish parents, I have lived in Scotland and England. I have a Scottish accent with two children who have English accents. I have taken the British Isles and radically personalised it, chopping it up and realigning the shape.